Monday, April 13, 2009


I had a good, relaxed Easter weekend... got to share in some new experiences for Holy Week (one with my mom and older sister)... and spent some time helping a brother out as he continues to prepare for his driving test (a little adventure!).

Just as Easter weekend left the disciples with a mixture of awe, hope, and uncertainty for the future, I face the coming weeks and months with a somewhat renewed sense of peace that is accompanied by twinges of doubt. I've been hoping for some opportunity to move on from the transitional role I've been in since early last year, yet I find myself still dangling resumes in front of uninterested opportunities. I still wrestle with which path to follow, if I am to have a choice. That's ironic... I'm wrestling over choosing between options that don't really exist at the moment. Typical, I guess.

As I shared with a friend last night on the phone... one thing's for sure - something will happen. Ha. I'm more at peace with God than I've been in a long time in some ways... not as burdened about following, about having to prove myself, etc. But I'm still restless and unsure about how to actually make a living and be responsible with that. I'm still looking for coaching jobs, but I'm also more open than I've been in a long time to allowing God to move me back into ministry/missions. There may be a new opportunity for that in the near future and I'm excited about exploring that and other possibilities to serve in the kingdom in more "traditional" ways.


  1. Well Lance, looks like I am the first person to comment on your blog!

    I am convinced that no matter what direction He leads you in, whether coaching or "traditional" ministry, He plans to continue using you to guide people to (and deeper into) His Kingdom. It'll be fun to see where He takes you next in your journey... what doors He will open, what choices He will have you make...

    And also, I just love the peace of God. I seem to feel His peace at times when it makes the least bit of sense to feel at peace. ha. That must be His trademark...

  2. Hey Jenna! Thanks for being my first follower and the first to comment! Yeah, His peace one of a kind, for sure.
